Our Story
Welcome to the American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club. We are an organization dedicated to raising, exhibiting, and improving this beautiful breed of rabbits. Our goal with this site is to encourage members and visitors to gain a better understanding and appreciation for this breed and club. On behalf of the American Checkered Giant Rabbit Club, I invite you to participate in this amazing sport we share and love. Please visit our 'Forms' page to download the membership application.
The Checkered Giant rabbit is a breed that was developed in Europe, where the breed is known as the Giant Papillon. This breed is one of the 49 domestic that are recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. For info on finding a breeder near you please visit their website at https://www.arba.net/.
Mature bucks (male) should weigh at least 11 pounds as does (female) should weight at least 12 pounds, with no maximum weight. This specific breed of rabbit is considered a show rabit as opposed to a meat rabbit and is one of 11 breeds with defined markings. These markings differe between European and American, even though they are considered the same breed. The Checkered Giant is a 6 class breed.
Checkered Giant rabbits come in two different colors: Black (which with black colored markings) and Blue (white with gray colored markings).
Diet and Care
This specific breed of rabbits does exceptionally well on a diet of commercial rabbit pellets, free choice timothy hay, and fresh water. Alfalfa hay should be avoided due to it's rich calcium nature. Fresh vedgetables and fruit should be very sparse in order to avoid upsetting the digestive tract and dehydration.
These rabbits like many others do very well inside the home. They are easy to litter box train and are quite meticulous groomers. If you so choose to cage your furry friend, be sure the cage is at least 3' x 3' x 4' and cover the wire bottom with a plank or mat to avoid damage to the feet.

Pictured Above:: Fred Biskie, Brian Carter and Gordon Halsey